Ricky Djauhari , Shinta Sylvia Monalisa , Amaya Sena Wahyuni , Ivone Christiana , Irawadi Gunawan , Petrus Senas , Yanetri Asi Nion , Aris Toteles , Riamona Sadelman Tulis , Fatma Sarie , Lamria Simamora , Tatik Zulaika , Dewi Klarita FurtunaDOI:
Vol. 14 No. 4 (2024): JURNAL PERIKANANKeywords:
feed efficiency, feeding level, growth, Oreochromis niloticus, stagnant water pondArticles
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The activity of cultivating nile tilapia in a stagnant water pond system allows fish to utilize resources in the form of natural food and commercial feed in a balanced manner, thereby reducing the amount of external feed. This research aims to evaluate the growth performance of tilapia fry in a stagnant water pond system with different feeding levels. This research was carried out using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 3 treatments for rearing tilapia fry in a stagnant water pond system with different feeding levels with three replications each, namely 3% feeding rate, 4.5% feeding rate. % and feeding rate 6%. The test tilapia fish had an average initial weight of 2.66-3.06 g and were reared for 21 days with feed supplementation containing a commercial probiotic mix dose of 0.2% and a feeding frequency of 1 time per day. The results of the research showed that different levels of feeding had a significant effect (p<0.05) on feed efficiency, feed conversion ratio and amount of feed consumption, but could still provide optimum growth rates.
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