Jurnal Perikanan Unram
<p><strong>Fisheries Journal</strong> is a scientific journal contains research results in the field of <strong>FISHERIES AND MARINES</strong>. Published since 2012, Fisheries Journal publishing articles with the following scope</p> <p><br />1. AQUACULTURE; 2. FISHERY RESOURCE MANAGEMENT; 3. FISHING TECHNOLOGY; 4. PROCESSING OF FISHERY PRODUCTS; 5. AGRIBUSINESS/SOCIO-ECONOMIC FISHERIES; 6. MARINE SCIENCE</p> <p> </p> <p>All articles submitted to Fisheries Journal will go through a review process before finally being published. Fisheries Journal is published 4 times a years in March, June, September and December.</p> <p>Based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology Number 158/E/KPT/2021 concerning the Accreditation Ranking of Scientific Journals, Fisheries Journal was <a title="S4" href="https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/journals/detail?id=8037" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>accredited</strong></a> by Sinta Rank 4.</p> <p>e-ISSN: <span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: medium;"><a title="e-ISSN" href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1525490649" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2622-1934</a>.</span></span> p-ISSN: <span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: medium;"><a title="p-ISSN" href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1349235820" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2302-6049</a></span></span></p>en-US[email protected] (Muhammad Sumsanto)[email protected] (Rangga Idris Affandi)Thu, 19 Dec 2024 17:41:51 +0800OJS EFFECT OF USING CLOVE POWDER AS A FEED ADDITIVE IN FEED ON THE GROWTH AND SURVIVAL OF TILAPIA (Oreochromis niloticus) RED STRAIN FINGERLINGS
<p><em>Feed additives or feed additives are now starting to become a necessity as additional feed in fish feed that can increase fish growth. This research aims to determine the effect of using clove powder as a feed additive in feed on the growth rate and survival rate of red tilapia fingerlings. The research was carried out at the Aquaculture Laboratory Building 4, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Padjadjaran University, Jatinangor from June to August 2023. The research method used is an experimental method using a complete randomized design consisting of four treatments and four repeats. The treatment used is the use of clove powder at doses of 0% (control), 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% as feed additives in commercial feed. The observation parameters consist of specific growth rate, survival rate, and water quality. The results showed that the use of clove powder as a feed additive in commercial feed with a dose of 0.5-1.5% tended to increase the growth rate of red tilapia fry with specific growth rate values ranging from 1.17 ± 0.30%/day - 1.27 ± 0.12%/day. The survival rate of red tilapia fry with a dose of clove powder use of 1.5% tended to give the best results (97.50 ± 5.00%). The water quality of red tilapia fry maintenance during the study met the requirements of water quality standards for tilapia farming</em></p>Kiki Haetami, Luthfi Nur Aulia, Roffi Grandiosa Herman, Yuniar Mulyani
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Perikanan Unram
<p><em>Shrimp are a superior commodity caught in the waters of the Land of a Million Mangroves, Waropen Regency, Papua Province. This research was carried out in February 2023 in the waters of Waropen Regency with the aim of assessing the potential of shrimp species and their management entities. This research uses a survey method in data collection and species identification is carried out by examining basic morphometric characteristics, namely (color and body shape). The results of the research show that there are 3 types of shrimp belonging to the Penaeid family, and 1 type belonging to the Palaemonidae family. The potential of shrimp at the research location is very potential. This is supported by the condition of the habitat and aquatic environment which is still good. Apart from that, utilization is still relatively low, where fishing tools and facilities are still relatively simple. However, to maintain its sustainability it is necessary to manage and utilize it in a measurable manner</em></p>Yunus Pajanjan Paulangan, Triyanto Triyanto, Teguh Setyo Nugroho, Muh Ihsan Jasmadi
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/883Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING CAPTURED FISHERIES IN PEMALANG REGENCY
<p>Pemalang Regency is one of the regencies that has abundant capture fisheries potential. However, there are several problems in developing capture fisheries. This research aims to identify and assess internal and external factors in the development of the capture fisheries sector and to develop a strategy for developing capture fisheries in Pemalang Regency. This research uses SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Treat) analysis to develop a development strategy. The data collected includes primary data and secondary data. The research results show that the value of Internal Strategic Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS) and External Strategic Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS) have a positive value so it is in Quadrant I. Based on this, an aggressive strategy is the main priority in developing capture fisheries in Pemalang Regency.</p>Amelia Maghfiroh, Agustina Setyaningrum, Edy Masduqi
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/886Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800RECIRCULATING AQUACULTURE SYSTEM FOR ORNAMENTAL FISH PRODUCTION (LITERATURE REVIEW)
<p>Ornamental fish have their own charm due to the beauty of their shapes and color patterns. Ornamental fish have good sales prospects and have high economic value, so many ornamental fish hobbyists and breeders are involved in them. Cultivating ornamental fish is certainly not free from obstacles, such as ponds or aquariums that have been contaminated with microbes which can cause fish to get sick or even cause death. One way to maintain fish health while increasing ornamental fish production is to monitor water quality. Efforts that can be made to overcome the above problems are to apply a recirculating aquaculture system. This study aims to provide information on the use of an effective aquaculture recirculation system to increase ornamental fish production while reducing ornamental fish mortality rates. The information that will be provided is a study from several journals regarding circuits for recirculation systems and optimizing the use of filter combinations in recirculation systems.</p>Ayi Yustiati, Agung Meidito Nugroho, Zahra Egidita Maharani, Mohammad Badai Putra Surahman, Yuli Andriani
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Perikanan Unram
<p><em>One of the marine biological resources in Indonesia is tuna which has a high enough economic value so that tuna can be used as one of the mainstays of non-oil and gas exports from the fisheries sector. The purpose of the study included: analyzing the form of the ARIMA model that most appropriately measures the price volatility of tuna fish in production centers in Indonesia and analyzes the price volatility of tuna fish in production centers in Indonesia. The study used 108 months of time series data from January 2012 to December 2020. In this study, the data analysis method used was ARIMA. The results showed that 1) the best models to measure tuna price volatility are National ARIMA model (3,1,2), Aceh model ARIMA (2,1,2), Bali model ARIMA (1,1,12), North Sulawesi model ARIMA (29,1,29), North Maluku model MA (0,1,2) and West Papua model ARIMA (2,1,1), 2) On the data on tuna prices at the producer level that has been analyzed with the best ARIMA model that the volatility of national tuna prices, Aceh, Bali, North Sulawesi, North Maluku and West Papua are high. The price of tuna in North Maluku cannot be analyzed due to the (0,1,2) moving average model</em></p>Ketut Sukiyono, Esla Anggreni Br Ginting, M. Mustopa Romdhon
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/900Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800QUALITY AND MICROBIOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF SMALL-SCALE SHRIMP PASTE PROCESSING IN CIREBON PRODUCTION CENTERS
<p>Terasi is a fermented product made from fish or shrimp, that undergoes a salting process. The small-medium scale of shrimp paste industry are widespread in Indonesia, particularly in the Cirebon area. Traditional processing of shrimp paste involves natural or spontaneous fermentation processes, which involves microbes from the surrounding environment that can grow and contaminate the shrimp paste. This study aims to analyze the microbiological conditions and quality of traditional shrimp paste produced in Cirebon production centers based on SNI 2716: 2016 for shrimp paste. The survey method used purposive sampling based on specific criteria to determine sample points. The observation parameters tested included pathogenic bacteria <em>E.coli</em> (presumptive) using the petrifilm method (3M<sup>TM</sup>), <em>Salmonella</em> sp. and <em>Vibrio parahaemolyticus</em> using the PCR method, total mold using the ALT (Total Plate Number) method, a<sub>w</sub>, pH, and proximate. The overall data was analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that <em>E.Coli </em>counts ranging from 6.00 x 10<sup>2</sup> to 2.10 x 10<sup>4</sup> CFU/g, thus not meeting SNI 2716: 2016 standard for shrimp paste. However, the final product did not show contamination by <em>Salmonella</em> sp, and <em>Vibrio parahaemolyticus</em>. The total mold contamination in the final shrimp paste product from processor A (Desa Jatimerta) and B (Desa Panjunan) ranged from 1.80 x 10² to 4.30 x 10³ CFU/g. The chemical analysist result of the final products from both processor generally met the SNI 2716: 2016 standards, except for processor B’s samples, where the water and ash content did not meet the standards.</p> <p>Key words: Fermentation, Molecular Identification, Contamination, Pathogen, Shrimp Paste</p>Suniyyah Azmi, Rusky Intan Pratama, Radestya Triwibowo, Lantun Paradhita Dewanti, Iss Rostini
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1019Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800EFFECTIVENESS OF DIFFERENT PHOTOPERIODS ON THE GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF FRESHWATER LOBSTER (Cherax quadricarinatus) SEEDS MAINTAINED AT AN ALKALINITY OF 80 MG/L.
<p><em>One of the freshwater commodities that is thought to have the potential to sell well on the world market in the future is freshwater lobster. This animal is a nocturnal animal commodity (animal that is active at night). This animal is thought to have the potential to sell well on the world market due to the high price and market demand which has not yet been met. Therefore, research efforts are needed on freshwater lobster seeds, to increase growth and survival. One of them is the use of alkalinity and photoperiod. The research design carried out was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). consisting of 4 treatments with 3 repetitions. During the 40 day rearing period, pellets are given. Research shows that there are significant differences between each photoperiod in the growth of absolute weight, absolute length, molting percentage, daily growth rate and survival of freshwater crayfish. Treatments with different photoperiod times showed that the best results were obtained in treatment P2 with photoperiod time (16G:8T) and the lowest in treatment 3 (21G:3T). Based on research results, it is recommended that the use of photoperiod (16G:8T) is effective for increasing the growth and survival of freshwater lobsters. The results of this research can be used as information regarding the most effective photoperiod for freshwater lobsters</em></p> <p> </p>mudzakirabdillanasution mudzakir, Teuku Fadlon Haser, Siti Komariyah
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Perikanan Unram
<p><em>The aim of this research is to assess the role of fisheries extension in the development of catfish farmer groups in East Balikpapan Subdistrict. The study was carried out from January to March in East Balikpapan Subdistrict, Balikpapan City, using a census sampling method. Data were analyzed using a quantitative descriptive approach with a Likert scale model. The findings indicate that the role of fisheries extension agents in the business development of catfish farming can be evaluated both partially and cumulatively. Partially, the role of extension agents is categorized as "Medium," with the following interval scores for each indicator: motivator at 9.47, educator at 9.79, catalyst at 9.32, organizer at 9.21, communicator at 8.42, and advisor at 9.79. Cumulatively, the role of extension agents in group development is also at a "Medium" level, with a score of 56. According to the catfish farmer groups, the role of extension agents in improving business productivity is deemed sufficiently effective in helping farmers enhance their cultivation skills toward better and more productive outcomes. </em></p>Eko Sugiharto, Elly Purnamasari, Bambang Indratno Gunawan
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Perikanan Unram
<p><em>Upwelling is the rise of water mass in the lower layer to the surface. The rise of water mass is due to wind moving above the waters so that this wind will push the water mass on the surface as a result of which water from below replaces the emptiness above. The variation in SST distribution is relatively lower and the abundance of chlorophyll as an indicator of the occurrence of the upwelling phenomenon and the effect of wind on the upwelling phenomenon. The purpose of this study was to determine the variability of SST and chlorophyll in the waters of South Buru Island to Seram Island and its effect on the upwelling phenomenon. The method used is a quantitative method with the aim of describing the state of SST and Chlorophyll in the Waters of South Buru Island to Seram Island. The results of the study showed that the analysis of the distribution of SST and chlorophyll from June to October was an upwelling phenomenon with SST in June 28.15 ° C and chlorophyll-a 0.44 mg / m<sup>3</sup> with an average wind speed of 4.58 m / s which was the beginning of the upwelling phenomenon. For July, the SST distribution was 27.21°C and chlorophyll-a 0.54 mg/m3 with an average wind speed of 5.42 m/s. In August, the SST distribution was 26.95°C and chlorophyll-a 0.58 mg/m<sup>3</sup> with an average wind speed of 5.32 m/s. In September, the SST distribution was 27.73°C and chlorophyll-a 0.50 mg/m<sup>3</sup> with an average wind speed of 4.09 m/s, while in October, the distribution was 28.97°C and chlorophyll-a 0.29 mg/m<sup>3</sup> with an average wind speed of 2.65 m/s.</em></p>Simon Tubalawony, Ana Yeti Huwae
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Perikanan Unram
<p><em>Vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) is a significant aquaculture commodity experiencing rapid global growth, including in Indonesia, to address the decline in production of tiger shrimp. This study aims to evaluate the impact of stocking density on vannamei shrimp production in an intensive aquaculture system. Conducted over four months at PT. Laut Biru Lombok’s intensive pond, the research compared two stocking densities (211 and 189 shrimp/m²) and assessed parameters such as growth, survival rate, feed conversion ratio, and productivity. Results indicated that a lower stocking density (189 shrimp/m²) generally provided better growth, survival, and feed conversion ratio, though productivity differences were not significant. In conclusion, a lower stocking density enhances the performance of vannamei shrimp in intensive aquaculture systems</em></p>Toto Hardianto, Yunarty Yunarty, Siti Aisyah Saridu, Diana Putri Renitasari, Ardana Kurniaji, Andika Ramadani, Fanggi Fanggi
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1241Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800REVIEW ARTICLE, UTILIZATION OF FISHMEAL FOR FOOD NUTRITION IMPROVEMENT
<p>Fishmeal is a processed fish product that has the potential to improve food nutrition. This article aims to review the utilization of fishmeal in improving the nutrition of food products. The method used was a literature study and systematic review by analyzing 26 research articles published between 2014-2024 and 1 ministry report in 2020. Data were analyzed descriptively comparatively, focusing on the preparation of fishmeal, proximate composition of fishmeal, and proximate composition of food products resulting from fishmeal substitution. Results showed that the best method of making fishmeal was steaming and fat extraction, resulting in a brighter and cleaner flour. The proximate composition of fishmeal varies depending on the type of fish. Substitution of fishmeal in food products such as cookies, flakes, pizza bases, and pastries significantly increased the nutrient content, especially protein, calcium, and phosphorus, while decreasing the moisture content. Despite this, the nutritional content of these products still meets quality standards and is safe for consumption. Fishmeal is effective in increasing the nutritional value of food products, making it a promising alternative for food diversification and fortification to address malnutrition in the community.</p>Achmad Syauqibik, Junianto Junianto
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1246Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF NILE TILAPIA (Oreochromis niloticus) FRY IN THE STAGNANT WATER POND SYSTEMS WITH DIFFERENT FEEDING RATES
<p>The activity of cultivating nile tilapia in a stagnant water pond system allows fish to utilize resources in the form of natural food and commercial feed in a balanced manner, thereby reducing the amount of external feed. This research aims to evaluate the growth performance of tilapia fry in a stagnant water pond system with different feeding levels. This research was carried out using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 3 treatments for rearing tilapia fry in a stagnant water pond system with different feeding levels with three replications each, namely 3% feeding rate, 4.5% feeding rate. % and feeding rate 6%. The test tilapia fish had an average initial weight of 2.66-3.06 g and were reared for 21 days with feed supplementation containing a commercial probiotic mix dose of 0.2% and a feeding frequency of 1 time per day. The results of the research showed that different levels of feeding had a significant effect (p<0.05) on feed efficiency, feed conversion ratio and amount of feed consumption, but could still provide optimum growth rates.</p>Ricky Djauhari, Shinta Sylvia Monalisa, Amaya Sena Wahyuni, Ivone Christiana, Irawadi Gunawan, Petrus Senas, Yanetri Asi Nion, Aris Toteles, Riamona Sadelman Tulis, Fatma Sarie, Lamria Simamora, Tatik Zulaika, Dewi Klarita Furtuna
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1250Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800EFFECT OF LIQUID ORGANIC FERTILIZER OF BAT MANURE (Chiroptera sp.) ON THE ABUNDANCE OF Nannochloropsis sp.
<p><em>Nannochloropsis sp. is a seawater phytoplanton that is often used as a natural food in aquaculture. Nannochloropsis sp. has a high nutritional content, including proteins, lipids, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential vitamins and minerals that are important for fish growth. Nannochloropsis sp. culture media using bat manure organic fertilizer can increase the abundance of Nannochloropsis sp. and is economical for aquaculture farmers. Bat manure liquid organic fertilizer which has a natural nutrient content rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and high potassium is used as a nutrient medium in Nannochloropsis sp. This study consisted of 4 treatments of 3 replicates of bat manure organic fertilizer doses, treatment A at 0 ml/L (control), treatment B at 80 ml/L, treatment C at 100 ml/L, and treatment D at 120 ml/L. The results obtained from this research are the use of different doses of bat manure fertilizer can increase the abundance of Nannochloropsis sp. The best Nannochloropsis sp. abundance value in treatment D (120 ml/L) was 24.99 x 10<sup>6</sup> cells/ml.</em></p>Hafizhah Zulfaa, Rita Rostika, Heti Herawati, Roffi Grandiosa Herman
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1252Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800CORRELATION BETWEEN TOTAL ORGANIC MATTER AND ABUNDANCE OF VIBRIO SP. BACTERIA IN INTENSIVE VANNAMEI SHRIMP (Litopenaeus vannamei) PONDS
<p>The cultivation of vannamei shrimp (<em>Litopenaeus vannamei</em>) requires attention to the quality of the rearing water to prevent the occurrence of <em>Vibrio</em> sp. bacterial infections. This study aims to analyze the abundance of <em>Vibrio</em> sp., Total Organic Matter (TOM), and the relationship between organic matter and the abundance of <em>Vibrio </em>sp. in the cultivation media. The research stages include sample preparation, KMnO4 standardization, TOM measurement, equipment sterilization, TCBS media preparation, bacterial inoculation, and the enumeration of <em>Vibrio</em> sp. The data obtained were analyzed for correlation using the SPSS26 application. The results showed that TOM levels in the water samples increased as the cultivation period progressed, with the lowest TOM level being 105 ppm at the early DOC and the highest 223 ppm at the late DOC. The abundance of <em>Vibrio</em> sp. fluctuated, with the lowest being 2,0×10<sup>2 </sup>CFU/mL at DOC 54 and the highest at DOC 89, reaching 3.0×10<sup>3</sup> CFU/mL. The correlation value between organic matter and <em>Vibrio</em> sp. abundance was 0.486, indicating a moderate relationship and showing a positive linear correlation, meaning the relationship was directly proportional. This study shows that TOM positively correlates with the abundance of <em>Vibrio</em> sp. bacteria in intensive vannamei shrimp farming.</p>Yunarty Yunarty, Diana Putri Renitasari, Ardana Kurniaji, Muhammad Hery Riyadi Alauddin, Rahmina Rahmina, Siti Aisyah Saridu
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1257Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800IDENTIFICATION OF CATCH SPECIES BY KMN. SILIWANGI USING PURSE SEINE FISHING GEAR AT MAYANGAN COASTAL FISHING PORT
<p><em>The Fisheries Potential in Indonesia is vast and spread across the entire waters of Indonesia, which are divided into 11 Fisheries Management Areas (FMA). This regional division aids in fishing activities, resource protection, and fisheries innovation for sustainable utilization. The Mayangan Coastal Fishing Port (CFP) in Probolinggo serves as a facilitator and provider of capture fisheries services, utilizing purse seine fishing gear. This study aims to identify the species and morphology of fish caught by purse seine at the Mayangan CFP. Based on observations and interviews, five dominant fish species were found: Indian mackerel 22% (</em><em>338,8 kg)</em><em>, Short-bodied mackerel 12% (</em><em>184,8 kg)</em><em>, Yellowstripe scad 18% (277,2 kg), Round scad 24% (</em><em>369,6 kg)</em><em>, and Anchovy 24% (</em><em>369,6 kg)</em><em>. Morphological identification showed variations in size and body shape, influenced by genetic and environmental factors. These results provide important information for effective and sustainable fisheries resource protection and management policies.</em></p>Wanri Sitanggang, Rifaldo Belmo Da Costa, Herning Pramudya, Daniel Candido Da Costa Soares, Maria Dyah Ayu Pitaloka
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1258Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800HIGH INFLUENCE OF WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ON RESPONSE, BEHAVIOUR AND GROWTH BATAK FISH FRY (Neolissochilus thienemanni)
<p><em>Batak fish (Neolissochilus thienemanni) is an endemic species that has important ecological, economic, and cultural values for the local people of North Sumatra. However, the population of this fish has experienced a drastic decline due to environmental factors such as water quality, climate change, and pressure from human activities, such as overfishing and water pollution. One of the important aspects in Batak fish cultivation is environmental conditions, especially water height or water depth factors. Water height plays a big role in determining the quality of fish habitats, including water temperature, dissolved oxygen levels. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of water height variations on the response, behavior and growth of Batak fish in the aquaculture environment. The study was conducted with an experimental design using a Complete Random Design (CRD) consisting of three water height treatments: 15 cm, 20 cm, and 25 cm. Observations were made every 10 days to measure the weight, length of fish, and water quality. The results showed that the water height had a significant influence on the growth of the weight and length of Batak fish. Treatment with a water height of 25 cm indicates optimal growth, while treatment with a water height of 15 cm and 20 cm indicates lower growth. The results of the study obtained where the P3 treatment (25 cm) provided the average value of the growth rate of both weight and absolute length of the highest per treatment. In other words, the average P3 is different from P1 and P2. The water level of different cultivation media affects the total water volume and movement space for Batak fish in the same cultivation container on the aquatic environmental conditions and behavior of Batak fish.</em></p>Anne Rumondang, Muhammad Aidil Huda J., Muhammad Latiful Khobir, Mutiaragusti Mutiaragusti
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1261Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800THE EFFECT OF PERIODIC FATIGUING ON SEED GROWTH AND SURVIVAL JURUNG FISH (Tor soro)
<p><em>Jurung fish is one of the endemic freshwater fish in the Central Tapanuli river which is often called Batak fish (Neolossochilus thienemanni). Periodic fasting can increase the growth rate of fish to the same level or even higher when compared to fish that are not fasted. This research aims to determine the repetition of the feeding cycle followed by constant feeding on feed consumption and feed performance, as well as determine the level of feed requirements for Jurung (Tor soro) fry after a period of 2-3 days. The information obtained includes absolute weight, absolute length and viability (SR) as well as water quality. This research was carried out at the Production Laboratory of the Matauli College of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs in July-September 2024. The method used was an experimental method with an experimental design using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The fish tested were Jurung fish fry measuring 3-5 cm. with an average duration of 1.60 ± 0.00 cm and an average weight of 2.16 ± 0.23 g. Feeding is given at 08.00-08.10, 12.00-12.10, and 16.00-16.10. The fish are kept at a stocking density of 15 fish. The results showed that the feeding approach had a large influence (P<0.05) on absolute length and absolute weight, but had no significant effect (P>0.05) on survival. Treatment P1 gave absolute weight results of 2.16 ± 0.23c, absolute length of 1.60 ± 0.00c and survival of up to 93.33% which was the highest of the treatments carried out</em></p>Mhd Aidil Huda. J, Tika Nisari, Anne Rumondang, Muhammad Latiful Khobir, Toga Mahaji, Adi Suriyadin
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<p><em>Mangrove forests have an important role in reducing the impact of global warming as a place to absorb carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>) from the atmosphere which is mostly stored in sediment. Mangroves are a good habitat for aquatic biota such as macrozoobenthos. Macrozoobenthos are organisms that inhabit the bottom of sea waters and also exist in stable sediments. The aim of this research is to determine sediment texture, sediment organic carbon content, macrozoobenthos abundance and the relationship between sediment type and macrozoobenthos abundance. The method used in sampling was purposive sampling with a total of 3 stations. Sediment samples were taken using a core sampler at depths of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm, while macrozoobenthos samples were taken using the hand sorting method. Organic carbon content was analyzed using the Loss on Ignition (LOI) method. The research results showed that the macrozoobenthos community structure at all stations produced low diversity and dominance indices and high uniformity indices. The type of sediment texture in the research area shows an average value of the sediment fraction of 4.43% sand, 71.11% dust and 24.45% clay. The highest organic carbon content was found at stations near brackish water areas with an average of 12.06%, while stations near factory areas had the lowest content at 5.89%. There is a strong relationship between the type of sediment texture and the abundance of macrozoobenthos in the Karangtalun mangrove area, North Cilacap.</em></p>Dewi Wisudyanti Budi Hastuti, Riviani Riviani, Anandita Ekasanti, Emyliana Listiowati, Dewi Nugrayani, Ririn Dwi Avrila, Davy Ananda Catur Wibowo
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1268Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800MARINE WATER POLLUTION INDEX: A CASE STUDY OF LABUHAN SANGORO WATERS, SALEH BAY, SUMBAWA REGENCY
<p>Saleh Bay is a region in West Nusa Tenggara Province known for its significant marine resource potential, on which most coastal communities rely for their livelihoods. One of the most important activities for these communities is seaweed cultivation. Besides supporting the local economy, this activity has also made West Nusa Tenggara one of the largest seaweed producers in Indonesia. However, declining water quality has led to a decrease in seaweed production. This issue has occurred in certain areas of Saleh Bay, such as Labuhan Sangoro. This decline commonly happens during specific seasons (the rainy season) and as a result of ice-ice disease. Monitoring water conditions is essential to provide a reference for seaweed farmers on the water quality in their cultivation areas. This study was conducted in February 2024, coinciding with the rainy season. Water sampling was carried out using purposive sampling at six stations, which were cultivation locations (sampling stations from the previous year). Measurements of seawater chemical and physical parameters were conducted in situ and at the Lombok Marine Aquaculture Center Laboratory. The data obtained from these measurements were then analyzed descriptively using the Pollution Index method based on the Indonesian Minister of Environment’s Decree No. 115 of 2003. The Pollution Index evaluation indicated that in February 2024, the waters of Labuhan Sangoro remained at a moderate pollution level (PI=6.1), with some stations showing parameter values exceeding the quality standards.</p>Baiq Hilda Astriana, Aryan Perdana Putra, Baiq Fadila Arlina
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<p><strong>ABSTRAK </strong></p> <p>Mayoritas penduduk wilayah pesisir Gudang Lelang Kota Bandar Lampung bermatapencaharian sebagai nelayan yang memiliki pendapatan rendah, tidak menentu, tergantung pada alam. Hal demikan, membuat istri nelayan termotivasi untuk berperan aktif dalam kegiatan produktif yang dapat membantu perekonomian keluarga. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis pengaruh motivasi dan kontribusi pendapatan terhadap kemandirian ekonomi istri nelayan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksplanatif, dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan metode survei. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik <em>purposive sampling</em> dengan responden sebanyak 70 orang. Pengolahan data menggunakan analisis jalur <em>(path analysis)</em>. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa motivasi dan kontribusi pendapatan berpengaruh terhadap kemandirian ekonomi istri nelayan, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Informasi yang terkandung dari data penelitian sebanyak 66,28% dapat dijelaskan oleh model penelitian ini, sisanya dijelaskan variabel lain di luar model dan error.</p>Fatihatus Siyadah, Hartoyo Hartoyo, Abdullah Aman Damai
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1298Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800IMPROVEMENT THE Ca-Mg MINERAL RATIO OF MEDIA CULTIVATION ON STRESS LEVELS IN FRESHWATER PRAWNS (MACROBRACHIUM ROSENBERGII)
<p>Freshwater prawns (<em>Macrobrachium rosenbergii</em>) are a freshwater species that is intensively cultivated. Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) are important factors in supporting the biological and physiological activities of freshwater prawns. The presence of minerals in the form of calcium and magnesium in the environment will be utilized by giant prawns, especially after the molting process. Calcium and magnesium important for the osmoregulation process and carapace formation of freshwater prawns. This research aims to see the best ratio of minerals in the form of calcium and magnesium to environmental stress in terms of the parameters of calcium and magnesium content in the prawns body, osmotic gradient, oxygen consumption level, and water quality during rearing. The experimental design used in this research was a completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments and three replications. The treatment given consisted of increasing Ca-Mg in the media: A: 30 mg l-1 Ca + 0 mg l-1 Mg (1:0); B: 30 mg l-1 Ca + 15 mg l-1 Mg (1:0.5); C: 30 mg l-1 Ca + 30 mg l-1 Mg (1:1); D: 30 mg l-1 Ca + 45 mg l-1 Mg (1:1.5) and E: 30 mg l-1 Ca + 60 mg l-1 Mg (1:2). Based on the result, treatment C: 30 mg l-1 Ca + 30 mg l-1 Mg (1:1) can reduce osmotic gradient values, oxygen consumption levels and glucose levels.</p>Lalu Mukhtar Atmawinata, Sahrul Alim, Andre Rachmat Scabra
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1321Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800BIOECOLOGY OF SEA URCHINS (Echinoidea) IN THE COASTAL WATERS OF HUTUMURI STATE, AMBON CITY
<p>Hutumuri Country has beaches which can be said to be strategic water areas due to their proximity to residential areas. The potential resource of sea urchins makes people use sea urchins as food animals when the seasons change. There are several types of sea urchins that are used as food by local people. Such as being used as a berth for fishing boats, bameti and other coastal activities which can result in disruption of the presence of aquatic organisms, including sea urchins (<em>Echinoidea</em>). The results of research at the Hutumuri State Beach location show that the level of gonad maturity in the Tripneustes gratilla species during the east season consists of 2 levels of gonads, and is moniated by (TKG III) with a size range of 51 - 60 mm wide in diameter. Meanwhile, during the transition season I, individuals were obtained with (TKG V) in the range of diameter 56 - 72 mm. The <em>Echinometra mathaei</em> species shows a gonad maturity level during the east season of 3 gonad levels, and is dominated by (TKG IV) with a diameter of 26 - 35 mm. Meanwhile, in the transition season I it was monasted by (TKG V) with a size range of 35 - 45 mm wide diameter. In the eastern monsoon, the <em>Diadema</em> <em>antillarum</em> species found that gonad maturity occurred at stages (TKG I & II) with a size range of 95 - 105 mm in width. Meanwhile, during the first season, the <em>Diadema antillarum</em> species could not be found at the research location, which is thought to be due to the influence of the season.</p>Fiqih Muharby, Laura Siahainenia, Yuliana Natan
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/830Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800THE EFFECT OF PROBIOTIC ADDITION IN MOIST FEED ON THE GROWTH OF SAND LOBSTER (Panulirus homarus)
<p><em>Lobsters are a potential fishery commodity with significant economic value. An alternative feed option that can be used is artificial feed, such as moist feed. One commonly known probiotic in the market is EM4, which can be used as a feed additive and can increase protein content to support growth processes. This study aims to determine the optimum probiotic dosage in moist feed to enhance the growth of sand lobsters (Panulirus homarus). The findings of this research are intended to provide insights and benefits for further research or practical applications. This study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD). It involved five treatments with three replications, resulting in 15 experimental units. The treatments included P0 (control), P1 (moist feed without probiotics), P2 (moist feed + 0.1% probiotic), P3 (moist feed + 0.2% probiotic), and P4 (moist feed + 0.3% probiotic). The results showed that after maintaining Panulirus homarus for 60 days in Teluk Ekas, the addition of different probiotic levels in moist feed produced the following average outcomes: absolute length growth ranged from 3.19 to 4.76 cm, absolute weight growth ranged from 42.90 to 62.30 g, specific growth rate ranged from 1.71 to 2.14 g, feed conversion ratio (FCR) ranged from 5.05 to 6.69, feed efficiency ranged from 69.12% to 87.26%, and survival rate ranged from 70% to 90%. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the best treatment for absolute length growth, absolute weight growth, specific growth rate, feed efficiency, and FCR was P4 (moist feed + 0.3% probiotic), while the best survival rate was achieved in P2 (moist feed + 0.1% probiotic).</em></p>Lutfah Yunata Pratiwi, Muhammad Junaidi, Nuri Muahiddah
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1310Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800LENGTH WEIGHT CORRELATION AND BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF JERBUNG SHRIMP (Fenneropenaeus Merguiensis) IN EAST LAMPUNG WATERS
Yuni Astuti, Gregorius Nugroho Susanto, Supono Supono, Endang Linirin Widiastuti
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1065Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800STUDY OF MUDSKIPPER (Boleophthalmus sp.) HABITAT IN THE BRACKISH FOREST ECOTOURISM AREA, TRITIH KULON, CILACAP REGENCY BASED ON TOTAL NITRATE AND TOTAL PHOSPHATE CONTENT
<p><em>The mangrove ecosystem in the Brackish Forest Area, Tritih Kulon, Cilacap, is affected by various human activities, which cause an increase in total nitrate and phosphate concentrations in the waters. Nitrates and phosphates are essential nutrients that support the growth and survival of organisms. This research aims to measure total nitrate and phosphate levels, and relate them to the suitability of mudskipper habitat in the area. The research was carried out using descriptive methods, using water and sediment samples from the mudskipper habitat. Water quality is measured through parameters such as temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen (DO). The results showed that the total nitrate concentration in water ranged from 2.35 to 3.65 mg/L with an average of 3.12 mg/L, while in sediment it ranged from 1.02 to 1.85 mg/kg with an average of average 1.4 mg/kg. The total phosphate concentration in water is in the range of 0.6 to 0.94 mg/L with an average of 0.81 mg/L, while in sediment it ranges from 0.94 to 1.45 mg/kg with an average of 1, 22 mg/kg.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: </em><em>Habitat, Mudskipper, Total Phosphate, Total Nitrate</em></p>Dewi Wisudyanti Budi Hastuti, Anita Putri Setiyaningrum, Hendrayana Hendrayana, Rivani Rivani, Anandita Ekasanti, Emyliana Listiowati, Dewi Nugrayani
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1103Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800STUDY OF RAW MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MICRO SCALE FISH PROCESSING INDUSTRY IN MOJOKERTO REGENCY
<p><em>The availability of raw materials in an industry is very important to prevent supply shortages, so that business continuity can be guaranteed. This condition can also affect the fixed costs that must be borne, especially if the production process stops.The aim of this research is to determine the amount of raw materials needed by the micro-scale fish processing industry in Mojokerto Regency. The research method used survey and interview methods with 18 respondents in the micro-scale fish processing industries in Mojokerto Regency. The research was conducted for 30 days and data analysis used quantitative descriptive. The results of the research show that the dominant fish used as raw material for fish processing is mackerel. The highest amount of raw material needed for mackerel fish occurred in 2022 at 753,864 kg and the highest amount of stock shortage reached 53,668 kg in 2020. The wader fish commodity has been fulfilled every year with the highest amount of raw material needed at 33,348 kg in 2023, while the catfish commodity has also been fulfilled. every year with the highest amount of raw material requirements in 2023 amounting to 27,421 kg. </em></p>Miftakhul Ulumiah, Mochammad Amin Alamsjah, Patmawati Patmawati
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1186Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800PROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS OF GOLDFISH (Carassius auratus) CULTIVATION BUSINESS AT LUBUKAN BIRU FARM, CIBIRU, BANDUNG CITY
<div><span lang="EN">Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Lubukan Biru <em>Farm </em>yang terletak di Cibiru, </span></div> <div><span lang="EN-US">Kota Bandung</span><span lang="EN">. Dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2024 – Agustus 2024. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah </span><span lang="EN">menganalisis prospektif usaha dan menganalisis pendapatan usaha budidaya ikan mas koki. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode kuantitatif yang bersifat survei atau observasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa </span><span lang="EN">prospek usaha budidaya ikan mas koki di lokasi riset sangat baik</span><span lang="EN">. </span><span lang="EN">Diindikasikan beberapa parameter finansial meliputi R/C (2,3), <em>Total revenue</em> (Rp. 550.000.000), dan nilai BEP untuk berbagai grade ikan seperti grade <em>Fancy</em> (harga Rp. 158.000.000 dan produksi 3.518 ekor), grade <em>High Quality</em> (harga Rp. 153.500.000 dan produksi 3.551 ekor), grade <em>Show Quality</em> (harga Rp. 163.200.000 dan produksi 3.580 ekor). Hasil analisis pendapatan usaha menunjukkan keuntungan. Diindikasi dari parameter finansial yang digunakan adalah pendapatan usaha (Rp. 315.110.000) selama satu periode. </span><span lang="EN">Usaha ini mencapai titik impas dalam satu periode dan memberikan keuntungan yang menjanjikan, sehingga layak untuk dijalankan</span></div>Miftahul Agra Putri, Ine Maulina, Yuniar Mulyani, Iwang Gumilar
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<p>Streptococcus agalactiae and Streptococcus iniae bacteria can cause mass mortality in farmed fish, resulting in negative production and economic impacts. The use of conventional antibiotics in the management of these diseases has led to resistance problems and environmental pollution. Ulva lactuca algae are known to contain bioactive compounds such as triterpenoids, flavonoids, and saponins that have antibacterial potential against Streptococcus. This study aims to evaluate the potential of Ulva lactuca algae extract as an alternative treatment for streptococcosis in Gourami (Osphronemus gouramy). The research method includes algae extraction using 90% ethanol, Streptococcus sp. bacterial culture, antibacterial activity test through disc diffusion method, and application of extracts to gouramy infected with bacteria. The results showed that Ulva lactuca extract at all concentrations did not show the ability to inhibit Streptococcus agalactiae bacteria. It is necessary to optimize the Ulva lactuca extraction process and its concentration to increase the effectiveness of Streptococcus agalactiae inhibition.</p> Lailatul Mubayyinah, Alvira Rizqi Rahmadia, Dinar Ayu Sekar Pawening, Lathifah Tara Mudita, Sharyn Ciptadi Kodja, Ekwan Nova Wiratno
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1218Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800REVENUE ANALYSIS OF POLE AND LINE FISHING IN SOUTHEAST MINAHASA REGENCY
<p><em>Belang is a sub-district in Southeast Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Most residents work as fishermen because the area is located on the southern coast. Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) is a leading economic activity in the North Sulawesi fisheries sector, which is usually caught with pole and line (huhate) fishing gear. This study aims to assess the income of skipjack fisheries using the pole and line method in Belang Harbour, Southeast Minahasa Regency. The research was conducted from October to December 2023. The research method is by conducting interviews and observing the income of pole and line fisheries and analysed using Microsoft Excel. The results showed that the profit sharing system applied in each business unit at Belang Harbour was in accordance with the collective agreement. Sales revenue is reduced by total costs, then divided into 50% for the owner and 50% for the crew. The crew's share of 50% will be divided again according to their role/position on the ship. The skipper receives 30%, the KKM receives 20%, the boy-boy receives 20%, and the angler receives 30%. Variable and fixed costs for each pole and line business unit varied. The average variable cost for the five pole and line businesses in Belang Harbour was IDR 346,470,000, while the average fixed cost was IDR 48,315,000. The average revenue of the pole and line business at Belang Harbour for three months reached Rp 703,500,000, while the average income was Rp 307,815,000.</em></p>Munirah Tuli, Alfi Sahri R. Baruadi, Funco Tanipu, Muhamad Thoriq Idris
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1222Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800FATTY ACID PROFILE OF SARDINE FISH OIL AS A SOURCE OF OMEGA 3
<p>Sardines, or lemurs fish, is a type of pelagic fish commonly found in the waters of the Bali Strait, with high oil content but low quality, although it still contains important elements for health such as omega 3. This research aims to identify the fatty acid profile of sardine fish oil as a source of omega 3 before and after purification. The method used in this research is divided into two parts: purification and testing of fatty acid profiles. The purification process is divided into 3 stages: degumming with citric acid, neutralizing sodium hydroxide (NaOH), and whitening using 5% magnesol XL. Fatty acid profile testing is divided into 3 stages: fatty acid extraction, methyl ester formation, and fatty acid identification. The results showed that the percentage of Saturated Fatty Acids (SFA) in crude oil and pure oil was 30.06% and 22.85%, respectively; for Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA), it was 11.84% and 8.83%, while multi-chain unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were 24.46% and 21.52%. The percentage of omega 3 in crude fish oil and pure oil is 20.89% and 14.87%, respectively; omega 6 is 3.35% and 6.53%; and omega 9 is 6.15% and 5.24%. These findings show that PUFA has a significant percentage after SFA, and the highest PUFA content is omega 3, especially Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA). Thus, this research shows that pure fish oil has the potential to be further developed into products rich in omega 3.</p>Kristina Haryati
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1227Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800LENGTH-WEIGHT RELATIONSHIPS AND CONDITION FACTOR OF MALAJA FISH (Siganus canaliculatus) IN LUWU REGENCY WATERS
<p><em>Malaja fish or baronang lingkis (Siganus canaliculatus) is a typical fish of the Luwu Regency community. This fish is favored in fishing activities by the local community because of its delicious taste. The main problem experienced by this fishery resource is that high fishing activities and increasing production volumes can result in stock decline. Therefore, it is necessary to study the growth patterns and condition factors of malaja fish in the waters of Luwu Regency as a basis for information for management activities. The purpose of this study was to determine length weight relationship and condition factor of malaja fish in Luwu Regency waters. Sampling was conducted from Mei to August 2024 with stratified random sampling method from catch landed at Karang-Karangan Village, Bua Sub-district, Luwu. The results showed that 168 fish captured consists of 88 males and 80 females. The length weight relationship was W = 0,000001L<sup>3,4556</sup> for male and W = 0,00001L<sup>3,0421 </sup>for female. The results indicated that the length weight relationship was highly correlated (r > 90%). The relative condition factors of fish varied from 0,4475-2,6567.</em></p>Nurilmi Achmad, Sunarti Sunarti, Andi Nur Apung Massiseng
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1232Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800ANALYSIS OF FISHERY PRODUCT MARKETING NETWORK AND ITS IMPACT ON FISH FARMERS' INCOME IN DARMA RESERVOIR, KUNINGAN
<p><em>This study analyzes the marketing network of fishery products and its impact on fish farmers' income in Darma Reservoir, Kuningan Regency. The reservoir is a significant center for freshwater aquaculture in West Java, yet fish farmers face challenges such as price fluctuations, limited market access, and uneven marketing margins. A qualitative approach was employed through participatory observation and in-depth interviews with fish farmers, traders, and stakeholders. The study identified three main marketing patterns: direct sales to consumers, sales through collectors and retailers, and longer chains involving wholesalers. The most influential factors affecting farmers' income are business scale and market access. The efficiency of marketing networks significantly impacts income. The study recommends strategies such as institutional strengthening, development of market information systems, product diversification, quality improvement, and broader market access facilitation to enhance fish farmers' welfare</em></p>Dede Nishfi, Junianto Junianto
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1235Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800INCREASING VANNAMEI SHRIMP PRODUCTIVITY IN ROUND PONDS WITH THE BIOFLOC SYSTEM (REVIEW)
<p><em>Vannamei shrimp is one of the commodities with high economic value. The increasing market demand for vannamei shrimp presents a significant opportunity for Indonesia. The high demand for vannamei shrimp aquaculture production necessitates the implementation of efficient and environmentally friendly farming technologies. One such technology is the Biofloc system. The application of the biofloc system in round ponds can enhance the growth and survival rates of vannamei shrimp. This method employs a literature review approach, analyzing both national and international journals accessed through online platforms like Google Scholar. The literature review was conducted in September 2024. The benefits of applying biofloc technology in vannamei shrimp farming in round ponds include increased productivity and growth of the shrimp.</em></p>Gitri Maudy, Junianto Junianto
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1239Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800STATUS OF CORAL FISH STOCK IN THE MARINE CONSERVATION AREA OF GILI SULAT AND GILI LAWANG, EAST LOMBOK REGENCY
<p>The Gili Sulat and Gili Lawang Marine Recreation Park (TWP) has a significant diversity of reef fish, but fishing activities threaten its stock. This research aims to estimate the stock condition of reef fish using a length-based stock assessment approach and Spawning Potential Ratio (SPR) analysis. Data were collected from two fish landing sites throughout 2023, covering fish species, catch results, and fish length data. A CPUE (Catch Per Unit Effort) analysis was conducted to assess fishing efforts and catches, while SPR was used to evaluate the stock condition of the fish. The research results show that 151 species of reef fish were caught, with three dominant species: Naso thynnoides (35%), Acanthurus mata (33%), and Caesio caerulaurea (32%). The SPR values of these three species were above 30%, indicating relatively healthy stocks (Naso thynnoides 58%, Acanthurus mata 43%, Caesio caerulaurea 34%). However, the exploitation rate of Acanthurus mata indicates that this species is fully exploited (E=0.578), requiring strict management to prevent overfishing. In conclusion, most reef fish stocks are in good condition, but Acanthurus mata requires special attention. Fishing control and regular monitoring are recommended to maintain the sustainability of reef fish stocks in TWP Gili Sulat and Gili Lawang.</p>Muslihuddin Aini, Junaidi Junaidi, Lalu Alfitram Mame Malik, Asyifa Dwi Imelda
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1240Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800THE EFFECT OF ADDING BLUE SWIMMING CRAB SHELL FLOUR ON INCREASING CALCIUM AND THE PREFERENCE LEVEL FOR BISCUIT
<p><em>Blue Swimming Crab (Portunus pelagicus) has a calcium content of 19.97% which can be fortified in biscuit products. The purpose of this study was to understand the impact of using crab shell flour in biscuits on panelist preferences. The study was conducted from July to August 2024 at the Fisheries Product Processing Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Padjadjaran University. The method used in this study was experimental using Friedman data analysis consisting of 4 treatments and 20 replications in the form of semi-trained panelists on organoleptic parameters, namely appearance, aroma, taste, and texture and chemical parameters, namely calcium content, water content, ash content, protein content, fat content, and carbohydrate content. The results of the hedonic test proved that the addition of 5% crab shell flour was the most preferred treatment, with an average appearance value of 7.9; aroma 8.2; taste 8.1; and texture 8.1. Based on chemical analysis of the most preferred treatment, namely the addition of 5% crab shell flour produced a calcium content of 1.98%; water content 2.11%; ash content 3.45%; protein content 12.35%; fat content 9.91%; and carbohydrate content 72.18%.</em></p>Annisa Dewi Nur Azizia, Evi Liviawaty, Ayi Yustiati, Rusky Intan Pratama
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1243Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND STORAGE TIME OF TUNA FISH (Euthynnus affinis) ON ORGANOLEPTIC AND SENSORY QUALITY
<p><em>Tuna Fish was one of the main commodities in Ternate North Maluku. The importance of understanding good handling practice would has an impact on the quality of the fish, therefore this research will discuss the effect of temperature and storage time on the organoleptic and sensory quality of tuna fish. The effect of temperature and storage time on organoleptic and sensory quality determined by visually observing and conducting an organoleptic tuna fish and boil test for sensory values on fish. Organoleptic and sensory test were conducted by 30 panelis and all data analyzed using oneway anova and descriptive for sensory quality. The research results were found that the organoleptic quality of room temperature from 0<sup>th</sup> hour was significantly different with 12<sup>th </sup>hour and 24<sup>th</sup> hour and the organoleptic value at chilling room from 0<sup>th</sup> and 12<sup>th</sup> hour was significantly different with 24<sup>th</sup> hour. Overal the results of the sensory/boiled test at chilling temperature were still suitable for consumption because there was no honeycomb, curd, pasty, blood spots and there was no itchy or smell when eaten. Sensory result at room temperature at 0<sup>th</sup> hour and 12<sup>th</sup> hour were still suitable for consumption because there was no honeycomb, curd, pasty, blood spots and also It didn’t itchy or smell when eaten, which is different from the 24<sup>th</sup> hour, it was smells, itchy and there was a burning sensation on the tongue after consumed.</em></p>Riris Roiska, Husnul Khatimah Ramli, Eka Aprianti, Putinur Putinur, Tri Wulandari, M. Aksa Azis
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1247Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800POTENTIAL AND QUALITY OF FISHERY PRODUCTS IN EAST NUSA TENGGARA
<p><em>Indonesia is a country that has quite large marine and fisheries resources and East Nusa Tenggara is one of the provinces in Indonesia that has very large fisheries resources, for this reason further exploration is being carried out to utilize these fisheries resources for both the domestic and export markets. This research is to find out about the marine and fisheries potential in East Nusa Tenggara and the quality of these fishery products by making direct observations at the Fish Quarantine Station for Quality Control and Safety of Fishery Products (SKIPM) Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara to find out about the fishery products that are trafficked. from the SKIPM. The results of the research show that East Nusa Tenggara has a very large and varied fisheries potential such as Anggoli, Skipjack, Cakalang, Crab Meat, Sweet Lip Fish, Grouper, Red Snapper, Onaga, Hermit crab, Mud Crab, Lobster, Beef Sei Tuna, Shark Fin, Mutira snails, Mackerel, Sea Cucumbers, Tuna Loin, Fan Shrimp, Ronggeng Shrimp, Seaweed and among these products Seaweed and Skipjack tuna are the highest number of fishery products trafficked from SKIPM Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. The research results also show that 19 products originating from several fish processing units in East Nusa Tenggara province have met the maximum limit criteria for Escherichia coli contamination, namely <3 MPN/g with sensory pass quality or were still suitable and safe for consumption or marketing.</em></p>Riris Roiska, Reni Lobo, Tri Wulandari, Febrina Rolin, Yusyam Leni, Dwinda Pangentasari, Ainun Rohmawati Bareta
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1248Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800WATER SUITABILITY FOR SEAWEED Kappaphycus alvarezii CULTURE USING SENTINEL-2A IN AENG BATU-BATU VILLAGE, TAKALAR REGENCY
<p><em>Certain individuals residing in Aeng Batu-Batu Village are engaged in the cultivation of seaweed (Kappaphycus alvaezii). However, the community encounters a challenge in identifying suitable areas for seaweed farming. The objective of this study is to assess the appropriateness of the waters for cultivating seaweed. The present study was carried out in June 2023. The exploration method utilized in this study seeks to ascertain the degree of suitability exhibited by the waters for seaweed cultivation. An Aeng Batu-Batu Village sampling procedure was implemented, consisting of three repetitions. A unique set of water quality parameters was acquired at each sampling point. In descending order, the values of each parameter are presented. Current velocity (23.62-11.47 cm/s), depth (5-2 meters), water clarity (3.35-2.3 meters), pH (7.91-7.73), salinity (27-23 ppt), temperature (30-28 °C), phosphate (0.0362-0.0122 mg/L), and nitrate (0.069-0.014 mg/L). The water suitability matrix indicates that 185.06 ha of the valley's water is suitable for seaweed cultivation in Aeng Batu-Batu Village, while 0.3 hectare of the valley's water is unsuitable for seaweed cultivation.</em></p>Elis Safitri, Ardi Eko Mulyawan, Nuraeni L. Rapi
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<p><em>The development of Ekas Bay as a center for integrated aquaculture activities, particularly through the Floating Net Cage (FNC) system, can impact phytoplankton abundance and water fertility. Phytoplankton, a type of plankton capable of photosynthesis, acts as a primary producer and serves as a key food source for fish and lobsters. The presence of phytoplankton is closely related to the fertility levels of waters designated for marine aquaculture. This study aims to determine the composition and abundance of phytoplankton in the waters of Ekas Bay. The research employed purposive sampling, collecting phytoplankton samples from five predetermined stations: three points near FNCs and two points distant from the FNC area. The results indicate that the plankton abundance in the waters of Ekas Bay is categorized as mesotrophic. The highest phytoplankton abundance was recorded at Station V with 9,523 cells/L, while the lowest was at Station II with 2,150 cells/L. Based on station characteristics, Station V is the farthest point from FNCs, whereas Station II contains a high concentration of FNCs. The community structure, as indicated by the H’, E, and D values, suggests that the waters of Ekas Bay remain in a stable condition. Phytoplankton from the class Bacillariophyta was the most commonly found, although no specific genus was dominant.</em></p>Yuliana Asri, Nunik Cokrowati, Muhammad Sumsanto, Damai Diniariwisan, Septiana Dwiyanti, Wastu Ayu Diamahesa
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1256Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800SERVICE SATISFACTION OF ARRIVAL REPORT LETTER (STBLKK) AT THE BUNGUS OCEANIC FISHING PORT
<p><em>Bungus oceanic fishing port (PPS) Bungus was one of the fishing ports in Indonesia. Bungus fishing port conducts mooring activities. The mooring activity is that fishermen moor their ships at a port and require a proof of arrival report letter (STBLKK). The purpose of this study was to determine service procedure and the satisfaction of STBLKK services at PPS Bungus. Implementation of SOP at service procedure at Bungus Ocean Fishing Port is that every fishing vessel that will come or moor / dock at the dock is required to report and make a proof of arrival report letter, the issuance of STBLKK at Bungus Ocean Fishing Port is in accordance with existing procedures. The questionnaire results show that the five questions posed to the ship's management show very suitable results for convenience, speed, satisfaction, courtesy, and security services. The implementation of the service of issuing proof of ship arrival report (STBLKK) is very suitable based on the value of the Community Satisfaction Index (SMI) A, which is 98.5. Ship management satisfaction with STBLKK service procedures is very good.</em></p>Safitriani Safitriani, Hasanah Hasanah
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1260Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800BUSINESS ANALYSIS OF PURSE SEINE FISHING GEAR AT POPOH BEACH FISHING PORT, EAST JAVA
<p><em>Tuna has an important economic value and is widely favored by people in Tulungagung Regency. According to BPS Kabupaten Tulungagung in 2018-2022 shows a significant increase in the volume and value of production, as well as the number of tuna fishing units. Tuna fishing business using purse seine gear is one of the important sectors in the fishing industry at UPT Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Popoh Tulungagung, East Java. This study aims to analyze the financial characteristics of purse seine fishing in the region. The research methods include field surveys, interviews with fishermen, and financial data analysis such as profit, R/C ratio, payback period, NPV, IRR, B/C ratio, and sensitivity analysis. The sampling method used in this research is purposive sampling with a total of 50 respondents. This research was conducted in July 2023. The results of the financial feasibility analysis of fisheries business showed that the average business profit was Rp. 73,811,161 during the tuna season (4 months), the R/C ratio value was 1.37 and the payback period (PP) value was 5.5 years, NPV was Rp. 94,346,195, IRR was 13.2%, B/C ratio was 1.08. The results of the business risk analysis show the coefficient of variation (0.01) < 0.5 and the lower limit of profit (280,898,197) > 0 so that small pelagic purse seine fisheries are included in the category worth developing and avoiding losses or risks suffered are small.</em></p>Widan Al Farizi, Mentari Puspa Wardani, Mimit Primyastanto, Supriyadi Supriyadi, Wanda Khuril Maulia, Moh. Ghufron, Moh. Nur Saidus Tsani
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1262Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800IDENTIFICATION OF HEAVY METAL Cu AND Zn IN THE MEAT OF NILE TILAPIA (Oreochromis niloticus) AT IPAL BOJONGSOANG, BANDUNG REGENCY, WEST JAVA
<p><em>The Bojongsoang Wastewater Treatment Plant (IPAL) in Bojongsoang District, Bandung Regency, West Java, is a facility that processes wastewater from the city of Bandung. In the IPAL pond, there are Nile tilapia that live there and can serve as bioindicators of water quality. However, these fish are utilized by the surrounding community through fishing and netting for consumption and sale. This study aims to determine the safety level of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) meat in the Bojongsoang IPAL based on the content of heavy metals Cu and Zn. The research was conducted from May to October 2024. The method used is a survey method with purposive sampling technique conducted at four pond sample collection locations. The accumulated heavy metal content in the Nile tilapia meat from the Bojongsoang IPAL Treatment Pond is as follows: Cu (0.1649 mg/kg, 0.1199 mg/kg, 0.1896 mg/kg, 0.1825 mg/kg) and Zn (2.5308 mg/kg, 1.9651 mg/kg, 2.3628 mg/kg, 2.5125 mg/kg). The levels of these heavy metals are still below the maximum limits set by Ditjen POM RI in 1989, indicating that the Nile tilapia meat collected from the Bojongsoang IPAL Treatment Pond is still safe for consumption based on its Cu and Zn heavy metal content.</em></p>Muhamad Seikei Shojikana, Junianto Junianto, Iskandar Iskandar, Rusky Intan Pratama
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1274Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800INCORPORATION OF GREEN MUSSELS AS BIOFILTERS TO AUGMENT THE GROWTH OF VANNAMEI SHRIMP IN POLYCULTURE SYSTEMS
<p>Vannamei shrimp, with its several advantages, is an essential export item for Indonesia. Polyculture technique has demonstrated efficacy in augmenting the growth and efficiency of shrimp production, with output consistently rising. In a polyculture system, green mussels function as biofilters and may assimilate organic materials. This study aims to elucidate the impact of green mussel biofilters on the development of Vannamei shrimp inside a polyculture system. This study was executed over a span of 21 days utilizing a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), incorporating three treatments with three replications, which included varying quantities of green mussels (10, 20, and 30 people) with 10 milkfish, 10 Vannamei shrimp, and 250 g of seaweed. The parameters measured were lead (Pb) concentrations in water, soil, and shrimp, along with the absolute lengths of the cephalothorax, abdomen, and overall length of the shrimp. The findings demonstrated that 20 green mussels were the optimal choice for the growth of Vannamei shrimp, despite the absence of statistically significant differences. In the treatment with 30 green mussels, the lead concentration dropped to 0.06 mg/L in water and 0.62 mg/L in soil, however the minimum lead concentration in shrimp was seen in the treatment with 10 green mussels (0.12 mg/kg).</p>Muhammad Fatchu Rozaq, Andi Rahmad Rahim
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1280Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800THE EFFECTIVENESS OF GREEN SEAWEED (Ulva reticulate) ANTIBACTERIAL COMPOUND EXTRACT ON THE BACTERIA Vibrio parahaemolyticus
<p><em>Green seaweed (Ulva reticulata) is found in many parts of Indonesia. The potential of green seaweed is not widely known to the public, even though it is considered a parasite on other types of seaweed. The purpose of this study was to determine the antibacterial compounds contained in green seaweed and their effectiveness against Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteria. Green seaweed was extracted by maceration method and then qualitative and quantitative tests were carried out. After that, the minimum inhibitory concentration test was carried out and continued with the minimum bactericidal concentration test and the inhibition test with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The data from the qualitative and quantitative test of seaweed, the minimum inhibitory concentration and the minimum bactericidal were analyzed descriptively, while the data from the inhibition zone test was analyzed statistically by ANOVA. The results of qualitative and quantitative tests showed that green seaweed contained flavonoids (6.4909 mg/g), tannins (70.7500 mg/g) and saponins (443.7286 mg/g). The results of the minimum inhibitory concentration test showed that the concentration of 3.125% was the minimum concentration to inhibit bacterial growth. In the inhibition test, it can be seen that P4 (6%) is the best treatment. The results of statistical analysis show that the treatments given are significantly different, except that P4 (6%) and P5 (7,5%) are not significantly different. From this study it can be concluded that green seaweed extract is effective in inhibiting the growth of Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteria.</em></p>Anis Zubaidah, Riza Rahman Hakim, Olivia Agustin
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<p>Lake Ranau as a water resource for the community, especially Warkuk Ranau Selatan District, has a fairly high biodiversity. Zooplankton is one of the biological components that functions as an indicator of water quality based on the composition and abundance of zooplankton. This study aimed to analyze the composition of genus and abundance of zooplankton in Lake Ranau, focusing on upstream, midstream, and downstream regions to identify potential differences in zooplankton diversity and density across these areas, potentially influenced by environmental factors such as water quality variation. The data collection method was carried out by sampling surface water and filtered using a plankton net tool. The results showed that the highest genus composition was observed at upstream lake and the highest abundance of zooplankton was found at midstream lake. The results of this study can be concluded that the distribution of zooplankton is not only influenced by biological factors but also by environmental conditions in each location so that the composition and abundance of zooplankton in Lake Ranau varies significantly between the upstream, midstream, and downstream areas.</p>Tiara Santeri Tiara, Septi Hermialingga, Desliana Opie Harliani, Nancy Eka Putri Manurung, Siska Almaniar
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1285Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800PRODUCTIVITY OF WHITE SHRIMP (Litopenaeus vannamei) WITH THE ADDITION OF PROBIOTICS AND PREBIOTICS
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Vaname shrimp remains a prime commodity due to several advantages, including the ability to thrive in a salinity range of 0.5-31 ppt, with a stocking density of 100-300 individuals/m², a faster growth cycle of 90-100 days, and a high appetite leading to rapid growth. Currently, the technology for culturing vaname shrimp has advanced with the implementation of intensive systems that utilize high stocking densities, although this impacts water quality. One approach to maintaining good water quality, especially in reducing organic waste, is the use of prebiotics and probiotics. Further studies are needed to determine the productivity of vaname shrimp with the addition of probiotics and prebiotics in shrimp culture. This research employed a survey method with parameters observed including productivity and water quality. Productivity encompassed stocking density, Average Body Weight (ABW), Average Daily Growth (ADG), population, biomass, Food Conversion Rate (FCR), Survival Rate (SR), and size. Water quality parameters measured included salinity, temperature, pH, DO using a Multitester, alkalinity, TOM, Ca, Mg, Total Hardness using titration, PO<sub>4</sub>, NH<sub>4</sub>, NO<sub>3</sub>, NO<sub>2</sub> using a test kit, the number of green algae, blue-green algae, diatoms, euglena, and dinoflagellates using a hemocytometer, zooplankton, and protozoa using a Sedgewick Rafter, total bacteria, total vibrio, and the number of yellow, green, and black vibrio using Total Plate Count (TPC). Data analysis used descriptive methods. The results showed that the harvest exceeded the company's target, and the SR and FCR values were categorized as good in vaname shrimp cultivation. Water quality measurements indicated that conditions were still optimal for vaname shrimp culture.</em></p>Andina Chairun Nisa, Diklawati Jatayu, Komang Aditya Pratama
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1289Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800THE EFFECT OF RABAL PROBIOTIC GIVING THROUGH FEED ON THE GROWTH AND SURVIVAL OF DUMBO CATFISH FRY (Clarias gariepinus)
<p>Dumbo catfish (<em>C. gariepinus</em>) is a fish as a source of animal protein that has developed as a commodity for fisheries cultivation. Catfish cultivation technology continues to develop and has a significant effect on the efficiency of catfish cultivation and is supported by the availability of a wide market. Feed is one of the important elements in cultivation activities as one of the keys to supporting the growth and survival of cultivated fish. Providing rabal probiotics in artificial feed is one alternative to produce feed that is easily digested so that it can increase growth. This research was conducted in Mbawa Village, Donggo District, Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, this research is an experimental study using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and consists of 4 treatments and 3 replications, the treatments are K (control / without giving Rabal probiotics), 8 ml / 100 grams, 10 ml / 100 grams, and 12 ml / 100 grams of feed. The parameters observed were absolute growth, specific growth, catfish survival, and water quality. The data obtained were analyzed for variety, regression using the SPSS application and analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of the analysis of variance from this study, it shows that the administration of rabal probiotics through feed produces survival, specific growth rate and absolute growth that have no significant effect (p>0.05), but based on the results of the linear regression analysis, it can be seen that the administration of rabal probiotics in feed has an effect on the survival of catfish. The highest survival value was found in the treatment of 12 mL/100 grams of feed, which was 64.10% and the lowest in the control, which was 53.84%.</p>Suparman Suparman, Andi Masriah, Nurilmi Achmad
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1293Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800EVALUATION OF TIGER SHRIMP (Penaeus monodon Fabr.) HATCHERY MANAGEMENT AT THE BRACKISHWATER AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT CENTER, JEPARA, CENTRAL JAVA
<p><em>The success of tiger shrimp production is influenced by the availability of quality postlarvae. The objective of this study was to evaluate biotechnical aspects of tiger shrimp hatcheries to produce quality postlarvae and analyse the economic aspects of tiger shrimp hatchery business in BBPBAP Jepara. The method used in this research was a case study method. Analysis of data used include analysis of biotechnical aspects of tiger shrimp hatchery maintenance and spawning broodstock, broodstock feed management, larval and post larvae rearing management, and water quality and health management. Analysis of economic aspects that include, cost analysis, revenue, income, and business feasibility analysis which includes, Payback Period (PP), and Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C Ratio). The results showed that tiger shrimp broodstock tiger shrimp comes from nature, spawning using the ablation method, the feed used is fresh feed, the type of feed used, and the type of feed used. feed used in the form of fresh feed, the type of feed for larvae and tiger shrimp larval and post larvae consisted of phytoplankton, artemia, and artificial feed. The economic aspects analysed include business capital of IDR 1,063,000,000.00/year, fixed costs of IDR 216,300,000.00/year, production costs of IDR 368,670,000.00/year, income of IDR 960,000,000.00/year and profit IDR 375,030,000.00/year. The results of business feasibility analysis including the PP value of 1,9 years, PP (discount factor 6,16%) of 3,04 years, the NPV value of IDR 156,237,555.00, the B/C ratio of 1.64 and the IRR value 19.64%.</em></p>Dewi Nurhayati, Tuti Sumiati
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1294Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800MOULTING PERFORMANCE AND SURVIVAL OF FRESHWATER CRAYFISH Cherax quadricarinatus FED WITH VARYING DOSES OF DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE
<p>The composition of feed plays a critical role in determining growth and survival rate in aquaculture species. Freshwater crayfish, specifically <em>Cherax quadricarinatus</em>, is a high-value aquaculture commodity; however, cultivation is often limited by slow growth rates and high mortality. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of incorporating dicalcium phosphate (DCP) into the feed on molting frequency, growth, and survival of <em>C. quadricarinatus</em>. The experiment, conducted over 30 days at the Seppong Matakali Freshwater Fish Seed Center in Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi, employed a completely randomized design with four DCP treatments (0% (A), 2% (B), 4% (C), and 6% (D) each with three replications. Data were collected on key metrics including absolute weight growth, absolute length growth, molting frequency, survival rate, specific growth rate, and feed conversion ratio. The findings indicated that the optimal performance was achieved with 4% DCP, resulting in a molting frequency of 0.77, absolute weight gain of 6.18 g, and absolute length gain of 0.92 cm. However, the highest survival rate of 90% was observed with the 6% DCP treatment.</p> <p> </p>Dwi Rachmat Budi Santoso, Firmansyah Bin Abd Jabbar, Andi Arham Atjo, Nur Indah Sari Arbit
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1296Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800EVALUATION OF ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES AND SENSORY CHARACTERISTICS OF Rhizophora mucronata LEAF TEA INFUSION
<p><em>Rhizophora mucronata leaves are known to have antioxidant properties, including the presence of flavonoids and phenolic compounds. The infusion of these mangrove leaves has the potential for development into herbal drinks. This study aims to evaluate the antioxidant potential of R. mucronata leaves tea infusion that has been dried using sunlight and an oven. The process involved cleaning the R. mucronata mangrove leaves, drying them (either in the sun or in an oven), and grinding them into a powder. This mangrove leaf powder was then brewed with hot water and subsequently dried. The antioxidant capacity of the leaves tea infusion extract was assessed using the DPPH method. Additionally, the sensory acceptance of the mangrove leaves tea infusion was evaluated based on its appearance (color) and aroma. The results demostrated that the percentage inhibition of the mangrove leaves tea infusion extract dried in the sun ranged from 2.80% to 68.83%, with an IC<sub>50</sub> of 79.99 ± 0.21 µg/mL. Conversely, the percentage inhibition of the oven-dried mangrove leaves tea infusion extract ranged from 19.25% to 95.41%, with an IC<sub>50</sub> of 51.55 ± 0.12 µg/mL. Panelists expressed a moderate appreciation for the appearance (color) and aroma of the R. mucronata leaves tea infusion. No significant differences were observed in the assessments of appearance and aroma between the oven-dried and sun-dried samples. Overall, the findings suggest that R. mucronata leaves possess the potential to be developed into antioxidant-rich herbal drinks that can be appealing to consumers.</em></p>Wendy Alexander Tanod, Didit Kustantio Dewanto, Novalina Maya Sari Ansar, Eko Cahyono, Frets Jonas Rieuwpassa, Yana Sambeka
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1297Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800THE EFFECT OF UTILIZING ASIAN CLAM (Anodonta woodiana) AS A SUSPENSION FEEDER ON THE WATER QUALITY OF NILE TILAPIA (Oreochromis niloticus) IN A YUMINA BUMINA SYSTEM WITH MINIMAL LAND USE
<p><em>Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) has limitations in its application due to the requirement for large cultivation areas. To address this issue, the IMTA system has been modified into the yumina bumina system, utilizing freshwater mussels (Anodonta woodiana) as suspension feeders and water spinach (Ipomoea reptans) as nitrogen absorbers. This study employed a completely randomized design with three treatments: (A) Nile tilapia without freshwater mussels, (B) Nile tilapia with 25 freshwater mussels per 15L, and (C) Nile tilapia with 50 freshwater mussels per 15L, over a 30-day period. The results indicated that the addition of freshwater mussels increased nitrite and nitrate levels in treatments B and C, yet supported specific growth rates of Nile tilapia in terms of length and weight, with the highest values observed in treatment C (1.05%/day) and B (3.75%/day), respectively. The system also achieved a survival rate of Nile tilapia above 80% with acceptable water quality parameters, including neutral pH (7.86–8.16) and high dissolved oxygen levels (17.77–18.02 mg/L). This integration demonstrates significant potential for optimizing Nile tilapia production efficiently while ensuring environmental sustainability.</em></p>Alexander Burhani Marda, Risca Permatasari, Dita Haryanti, Arya Yuda Saputra
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1299Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800IDENTIFICATION OF Anisakis simplex IN PURPLE SPOTTED BIG EYE FISH (Priacanthus sp.) FROM SOUTH BALI WATER AREA
<p><em>Anisakis simplex infection in fishery products can be dangerous because it has zoonotic can transmitted infection from fish to humans. Purple spotted big eye fish (Priacanthus sp.) is one of the reef fish species produced in the waters of South Bali and is not immune to the zoonotic threat Anisakis simplex poses. This study was conducted to identify Anisakis simplex which is known to infect Purple Spotted Big Eye Fish (Priacanthus sp.) in the South Bali Water Area. The parameters observed in this study were related to the prevalence and intensity of Anisakis simplex in Purple Spotted Big Eye Fish (Priacanthus sp.). The research method used was descriptive quantitative with purposive sampling of fish samples. The samples used were 30 fish obtained from 15-20% of the catch of purple spotted big eye fish in the South Bali Water Area. The results of the study showed that the morphological identification that had been carried out showed that Anisakis simplex found to infect Purple Spotted Big Eye Fish (Priacanthus sp.) was an Anisakis simplex type III larva with a prevalence rate of 26.3% classified as a frequent infection. The intensity value of Anisakis simplex in this study was 4.92 ind/fish and was classified as a low category. The predilection from this study showed that the most infections were in the intestinal organs.</em></p>Amayliana Ajeng Nastiti, Sri Subekti, Kismiyati Kismiyati, Endang Wulandari Suryaningtyas
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<p><em>The troll line fishing fleet is one of several capture fisheries business units often found at the Palabuhanratu Archipelago Fishing Port, Sukabumi, Indonesia. The Sukabumi Central Capture Fisheries Statistics Agency noted a decrease in trolling boats catching and landing fish at the Palabuhanratu Archipelago Fishing Port in the last ten years. This condition allegedly indicates a decline in income for the capture fisheries business players. This research evaluated the net income value of the catch fisheries business unit of the troll line fishing fleet at the Palabuhanratu Archipelago Fishing Port. Data was collected using survey and interview methods from January to March 2023. The purposive sampling method highlighted that 15 respondents consisting of ship owners, captains, and crew members of fishing boats were appointed as sources for this research. Analysis of the fishing business of the Troll Line fishing fleet evaluates the average net income value as 636,496,667 IDR/vessel/year. This net income value is distributed among seven business actors consisting of ship owners (317,596,429 IDR/year), a captain (95,278,929 IDR/year), and four crew members (55,579,375 IDR/person/year). The evaluation value of net income indicates that the fisheries business unit caught by the troll line fishing fleet at the Palabuhanratu Archipelago Fishing Port still has quite promising profits for all business actors.</em></p>Faqih Baihaqi, Shafira Bilqis Annida
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1302Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT FEED TYPES ON THE ABSOLUTE WEIGHT GROWTH OF FRESHWATER LOBSTER SEEDS (Cherax quadricarinatus) 1 MONTH AGE
<p><em>Fisheries cultivation in Indonesia includes ornamental fish cultivation and consumption fish cultivation. One of the problems in consumption fish cultivation is usually due to inappropriate feed factors, which makes the cultivation process tend to be long and inefficient. This research aims to determine the right type of feed to support the absolute weight growth of 1 month old freshwater lobster (Cherax quadricarinatus) seeds. The method used was an experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 5 replications. The test animals used were 1 month old lobster seeds with an initial average weight of 1.60, the seeds were obtained from the spawning of the Krian lobster cultivation breeders. Lobsters were reared and given food according to treatment in the form of P1 (pellets), P2 (maggot), P3 (silk worms), P4 (potatoes, P5 (Daphnia magna) for 30 days. The results of the research showed that P3 silk worm food gave the highest absolute weight growth, namely 1.29gr, then maggot P2 which is 0.79gr, potato P4 0.64gr, then pellet P1 0.55g and finally daphnia magna with a figure of 0.17gr Absolute weight growth is the main parameter observed as well as supporting parameters including water quality including temperature , pH, and dissolved oxygen.</em></p>Hanafi Maulidditya Mukti, Sri Oetami Madyowati, Achmad Kusyairi, Nurul Hayati
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<p><em>This study aims to determine the profitability of the business and to determine the financial feasibility of fishery product processing business in the production house “Mrs. Siti Rahmah” with discounted investment criteria (NPV, IRR, and Net B/C) and non-discounted (Payback Period). This research was conducted in October 2023. The determination of respondents is guided by the sample method, with the selected respondents being fishery product processing businesses in the “Mrs. Siti Rahmah” production house. The analytical tools used in this research are cost analysis, revenue, profit, and also financial feasibility analysis with discounted and non-discounted investment criteria. The results showed that the fishery product processing business in the production house “Mrs. Siti Rahmah” in Muara Adang Village, Long Ikis Subdistrict, Paser Regency received Rp 44,880,000/year and earned a profit of Rp 9,775,782/year. From the financial aspect, the fishery product processing business is feasible to run and develop with an NPV value of Rp 50,081,700, IRR of 79%, Net B/C of 2.84 and PP of 1.19 years.</em></p>Zahrotul Widiah, Fitriyana Fitriyana, Nurul Ovia Oktawati
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/937Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800HEDONIC QUALITY OF KEMBANG GOYANG CAKE WITH VARIOUS LEVELS OF PANGASIUS MEAT FLOUR ADDITION
<p>This study aims to determine the optimal percentage of patin fish meat flour addition in making <em>kembang goyang</em> cake, in order to produce the most preferred product. The research was conducted from February to April 2024 at the Fishery Product Processing Technology Laboratory, Joint Building of Fisheries and Agriculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Padjadjaran University, and the Services Laboratory of UPTD Testing and Application of Fishery Product Quality (Pengujian dan Penerapan Mutu Produk Perikanan/ PPMPP) Cirebon, West Java Provincial Marine and Fisheries Office. The method used was an experimental method with variations in the levels of catfish meat flour in rocking flower cakes, consisting of four treatments (0%, 7.5%, 10%, and 12.5%), with 20 semi-trained panellists as replicates to determine the level of liking for the product. Observations were made through organoleptic tests. The results showed that the addition of 10% catfish meat flour resulted in the highest level of liking from the panellists, with a rating of 7 (preferred) for appearance, aroma, and texture, and 8 (preferred) for taste.</p>Ayuni Nasrunnisa, Junianto Junianto, Ayi Yustiati, Iis Rostini
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/988Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800SUBSTITUTION FOR MACKEREL FISH (Scomberomorus commerson) BONE MEAL ON FISH CRACKERS
<p><em>Fish bones are only considered waste by the community, even though they have good nutritional content, so they can be used as fish bone flour as an ingredient for fish crackers. To ensure the quality characteristics of fish crackers that have been substituted between fish bone flour and tapioca flour in fish crackers. Stages of the mackerel fish bone flour manufacturing process: preparation of raw materials for mackerel fish bones, boiling 1, washing, softening, boiling 2, baking, and flouring. Stages of the cracker processing process are: preparation of raw materials, washing fish, filleting, scraping meat, grinding, substitution of mixing fish bones and dough, forming, steaming, cooling, cutting, drying, baking, then frying. The results of the proximate analysis of fish bones showed water content of 5.77%, ash content of 60.20%, protein content of 11.26%, fat content of 2.58%, calcium content of 29.83%, ALT of 3.90x104 colonies/gram. The water content of the crackers produced ranged from 2.57% to 4.17%, the acid insoluble ash content of 0.05% to 0.41%, the protein content of 2.19% to 5.04%, the calcium content of 0.06% to 4.22%. The results of statistical analysis showed that there was an effect of mackerel fish bone flour substitution on water content, ash content, protein content, and calcium content. The Total Plate Count of crackers in all treatments obtained results <2.5x102 colonies/gram. The selected product in the P3 formulation with a calcium content of 4.22% increased the calcium content by 400%. The best sensory test of the formulation at P3 with 30 panelists on the parameters of appearance, odor, taste, and texture was still acceptable to the panelists.</em></p>Bagus Hadiwinata, Putri Sri Wulandari, I Ketut Sumandiarsa, Rina Ardiyanti Ritonga, Toga Mahaji
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1309Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800FEASIBILITY STUDY OF THE LOCATION AND CULTIVATION OF TILAPIA AT KADEN FARM, BABAKAN PANJANG VILLAGE, SUKABUMI DISTRICT
<p><em>Selecting an optimal aquacultural site can enhance feed efficiency and diminish production costs. Tilapia cultivated in an optimal environment will more readily digest feed and utilize nutrients. This research was conducted through field observations, including soil sampling, water quality measurements, and production performance assessments. The results of the soil texture analysis performed on the two ponds at Kaden Farm indicated that the proportion of sand ranged between 17–18%, dust 42–43%, and clay 40–42%. The water quality was 'slightly suitable,' with a suitability index of 66.67% for Pond 1 and 71.01% for Pond 2. The production performance of the tilapia, as indicated by the survival rate reached 70%, the relative growth rate was 0.017 g/day, and the specific growth rate reached 14.62%. Cultivating tilapia at Kaden Farm in terms of pond media in the form of soil is feasible for cultivation. The results indicate that water quality is slightly below the expected standards. The tilapia production at Kaden Farm is feasible based on the observed survival, relative growth rate, and specific growth rate.</em></p>Amalia Putri Firdausi, Muhammad Sahlan Firjatullah, Reta Sagita, Riem Rahayu Rahman, Rahmah Mulanti, Bintan Naktavia, Muhammad Aqshol Dafa Ramadhan, Zacky Naoval Nainggolan, Jemmy Erwanda Maulana, M. Isya Rais A., Fika Ismaladewi, Aulia Herlita, Hikmal Yumilzam, Nadira Khalisha, Maulana Ishaq, Sofyan Alhaq, Abrisam Hadi Bintoro, Achmad Zidan Akmal Maulana, Risma Arafah Tunisa, Wildan Nurussalam
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1251Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800CONSUMPTION FISH POLYCULTURE USING AQUAPONIC (POLYPONIC) SYSTEM AT UPR MANDIRI ABADI PALEMBANG CITY
<p><em>Stunting, known as short toddlers, is a long-term nutritional problem caused by low food intake over a long period of time. Stunting can occur when the fetus is in the womb and only becomes visible when the child is two years old. One of the initiatives promoted by the government is the fish eating movement and the program to increase aquaculture production, which contributes greatly to national food security, employment and the Indonesian economy. Fish is very rich in nutrients and beneficial for the body because it contains 18% protein consisting of EPA, essential amino acids, DHA, vitamins A, B1, B2, and D, as well as minerals. Polyculture is cultivation with 2 types of fish, where in 1 cultivation container you can raise each type of fish. Polyculture of betok fish and tilapia using an aquaponic system for 30 days with a stocking density of 40 m-2 betok fish and 40 m-2 tilapia fish resulted in a survival of betok fish of 95%, a length growth of 0.92 cm, a weight growth of 0 .76 g and the feed efficiency value is 27.2%, while the survival rate for tilapia is 97.5%, length growth is 1.75 cm, weight growth is 1.61 g. The height of lettuce varies between 9-11 cm with 2-3 leaves per plant. The quality of maintenance water, whether control or maintenance with treatment, is still within the optimum range for polyculture aquaponic systems.</em></p>Raudhatus Sa’adah, Madyasta Anggana Rarassari, Eka Nurriza Kahirunnisa
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1254Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800ALTERNATIVE FEED OF SEAWEED MEAL CAULERPA RACEMOSE ON THE GROWTH OF VANAME SHRIMP (Penaeus vannamei)
<p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of seaweed meal Caulerpa racemose on the growth and survival rate of vaname shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) fry. The shrimp reared for 30 days at Balai Benih Ikan Pantai (BBIP) Poniang. This study used a Complete Randomized Design with 4 treatments and 3 replication. The dose of seaweed added to the feed is 0% in treatment A or control, 5% in treatment B, 15% in treatment C and 25% in treatment D. The density of the shrimp was 3 fishes/L. The shrimp feed 3 times daily at 07.00, 14.00, and 21.00 WITA with feeding rate of 5% of body weight. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 22.00 software. The parameters tested included absolute weight growth, specific growth rate, and survival rate. The results showed that the utilization of seaweed meal had no real effect (p>0.05) on absolute weight growth, specific growth rate, and survival rate in vaname shrimp fry.</em></p>Dewi Yuniati, Muh. Fadli, Darsiani Darsiani, Zulfiani Zulfiani, Nurfadillah Nurfadillah, Shobrina Shobrina
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/932Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF FRESH BAIT ON THE CATCH OF MUD CRAB (Scylla serrata) IN FOLDING TRAP FISHING GEAR IN MANGROVE WATERS IN PANIMBANG DISTRICT, BANTEN
<p><em>The increasing demand for mangrove crab production requires effective innovation to increase mangrove crab production. One of the efforts made to increase mangrove crab production is by conducting operational activities to catch mangrove crabs using folding traps and effective bait, because the success of the catch depends on the bait. The objective of this study was to determine how different types of fresh bait affect mangrove crab catches and to determine the most optimal fresh bait for mangrove crab catches. This study was conducted using a randomized block design (RCD) consisting of three treatments and nine trips. The results showed that the highest average catch was in fresh pepetek fish bait (treatment A) with an average value of 4.33, and the lowest average catch was fresh chicken offal bait (treatment C) with an average catch value of 1.00. Based on the results of the Anova test, the results show that the comparison of the P value is 0.000 <0.05, so H0 is rejected and Hi is accepted, meaning mangrove crab catches were strongly influenced by the different types of fresh bait used, followed by the Duncan test which shows that different notations are obtained from all treatments, where no treatment is located in one subset, meaning that between treatments do not have the same results or each treatment has a difference number of catches. In treatment C using fresh chicken offal bait obtained the lowest mean catch and the highest treatment A when compared to treatments A and B. The order of the average mangrove crab catches from lowest to highest occurred in treatments C, B and A</em></p>Muhammad Syahdan Haqi, M. Tajuddin Noor, Gilang Rusrita Aida, Achmad Kusaeri
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1040Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800POTENTIAL USE OF DIFFERENT FERTILIZERS ON THE GROWTH OF Brachionus sp.
<p><em>Brachionus sp. is a zooplankton that is widely used by farmers as natural feed for fish larvae stages. In the process of cultivating Brachionus sp. it is necessary to fulfill the nutritional needs for its growth by providing fertilizer. The use of natural fertilizer as a culture medium for Brachionus sp. using fertilizers such as chicken manure, Urea, NPK, TSP, and POC. This study aims to determine the potential use of different fertilizers in the growth of Brachionus sp. The method used is a literature study. The results obtained from the potential use of different fertilizers in the culture of Brachionus sp. namely the concentration of 300 mg of chicken manure; 7.5 mg TSP; 6 mg Urea; 0.45 gr of Bread Yeast per 3 L of water enriched with 0.30 gr Extrajoss produced the highest population density of 5.01 ind/mL. In addition, the concentration of chicken manure fertilizer between broiler chickens and kampung chickens was 2 L of water; 4 mg urea; 3 mg TSP; 400 mg of broiler chicken manure produced the highest productivity of 89,639 ind/2 L.</em></p>Shefia Marchelin, Yuli Andriani, Zahidah Hasan, Ujang Subhan
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1219Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800WATER QUALITY IN FLOATING NET CAGE AND NON-CAGE AREAS OF THE JATIGEDE RESERVOIR
<p>The rapid development of fish farming using the Floating Net Cage (KJA) system has raised concerns about the water quality of the reservoir. This study aims to evaluate the water quality in KJA and non-KJA areas of the Jatigede Reservoir based on the physical-chemical parameters of the water. Analysis was conducted at four stations with varying levels of KJA activity. The results showed that, based on Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021, the pH and BOD parameters have exceeded the established quality standards. However, Jatigede Reservoir is still considered suitable for fisheries activities as other water quality parameters remain within the standards for Class II and III water. This study is expected to serve as a basis for the sustainable management of Jatigede Reservoir, aiming to mitigate the negative impacts of KJA on water quality while supporting its utilization as an economic livelihood resource for the local community.</p>Melati Taufanputri, Zahidah Zahidah, Heti Herawati, Mochamad Candra Wirawan Arief
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1301Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800GROWTH PHASE OF ISOCHRYSIS GALBANA NATURAL FEED WITH DIFFERENT CULTURE MEDIA VOLUMES ON LABORATORY SCALE
<p><em>One of the causes of low growth and survival in the early development of larvae that still rely on food from natural feed is the availability of feed. The purpose of this study was to analyze the percentage level of increase in the density of the amount of natural feed cultured in Erlenmeyer media with different volumes of culture media. Completely Randomized Design with 3 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments used were 500 ml, 1000 ml and 5000 ml culture media volumes. The results of the study showed that the 500 ml volume culture media produced a density increase of 20%, then for the 1000 ml volume culture media it produced a density increase of 16% and for the 5000 ml volume culture media it produced an increase in density of 8%. So that with a 500 ml volume culture media it can effectively increase the density of I. galbana.</em></p>Laily Fitriani Mulyani, Nuri Muahiddah, Thoy Batun Citra Rahmadani
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/1286Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800THE EFFECT OF BAIT TYPE ON BOTTOM LONGLINE FISHING CATCH IN EKAS BAY
<p><em>Bottom longlines are operated using different types of bait in Batu Nampar Selatan Village. This research aims to reveal the influence of different types of basic longline bait on catches and economic profits obtained by fishermen in Ekas Bay. The method used in this research is an experimental survey, by comparing the results of 3 different types of bait in-situ. T-test analysis or t-test is used to prove that there are differences in the bait caught. R/C ratio analysis is used to calculate the economic benefits of basic longline catches. The total catch was 185 fish weighing 42.8 kg. The results of the T-test analysis obtained a significant value of 0.924 or a significant value > 0.05, so the hypothesis (H0) was accepted. This means that different types of bait do not have a real influence on bottom longline catches in Ekas Bay. The results of the R/C ratio analysis from the use of 3 types of bait, namely, anchovy bait (Stolephorus indicus) 8.6; squid bait (Loligo sp) 9.5; combination bait of anchovies (S. indicus) and squid (Loligo sp.) 8.84. It can be concluded that the three types of bait are profitable and worth continuing</em></p>Lalu Samsul Rizal, Rian Permadi Bohari, Lalu Achmad Tan Tilar Wangsajati Sukmaring Kalih
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https://jperairan.unram.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/915Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800